(Integrated Rural Development Project)
Ramakrishna Mission Pallimangalhas been working at Joyrambati since 1980. Its main objective is to make an integrated development of the activities for all age groups in the village in all aspects of life including physical, economical, educational, social, cultural and spiritual.
Pallimangal is an inspiration to the Nation, to all individuals and groups of all ages and avocations to mobilize all resources, man power, nature, financial and others towards the all-round development of the people particularly in the rural areas.
Cottage & Small Scale Industry
Various units in this sector like Weaving, Hosiery, Bag Making, Incense-Stick making and Bee Keeping (Honey Production) are functioning smoothly.
Vocational Training
Training is imparted to girls and women free of charge so that they can find a source of income. Courses like Computer, Embroidery, Wool-Knitting, Tailoring etc. are organised throughout the year.
Child Nutrition
Milk, Biscuits, Fruits, Sweets and other nutritious food items distributed among children.